CanDBAdmin - asynchronous child canister control utility methods to be called by the IndexCanister
public func transferCyclesStopAndDeleteCanisters(canisterIds : [Text]) : async CanisterCleanupStatusMap
Cleans up a list of canisterIds in parallel. Returns the resulting status of each of the canisterIds after cleanup
public func transferAllCycles(canisterIds : [Text]) : async InterCanisterStatusMap
Attempts to transfer cycles from canisters (by canisterId) to the calling canister
canisterIds - each of the canisterIds that will transfer cycles to the calling canister
public func stopAllCanisters(canisterPrincipals : [Principal]) : async InterCanisterStatusMap
Attempts to stop each of the canisters (by Principal) from the calling canister
canisterPrincipals - each of the canisterPrincipals of the canisters that will be stopped
public func deleteAllCanisters(canisterPrincipals : [Principal]) : async InterCanisterStatusMap
Attempts to delete each of the canisters (by Principal) from the calling canister
canisterPrincipals - each of the canisterPrincipals of the canisters that will be deleted
public func upgradeCanistersInPKRange() : async UpgradePKRangeResult
Upgrades up to 5 PK (potentially multiple canisters per PK) at a time in a PK range
public func upgradeCanistersByPK(
canisterMap : CanisterMap.CanisterMap,
pk : Text,
wasmModule : Blob,
scalingOptions : CanDB.ScalingOptions
) : async [(Text, InterCanisterActionResult)]
Upgrades all canisters for a specific PK